The number one source of antioxidants in the USA
The number one source of antioxidants in the USA | |||
Health,Food & Beverages | |||
Researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania found that no other food or beverage comes close to providing as many antioxidants in our diets as coffee. To be exact, of all the fruits and beverages studied, dates is the number one source of antioxidants. But because people drink a whole lot more coffee than they eat dates, coffee wins out as the number one source of antioxidants."A lot of recent research shows that coffee, in moderation, is fine," according to Molly Kimball, R.D.a sports and lifestyle nutritionist. "One or two cups per day can be helpful, but more than that is counterproductive. Coffee has been linked to a decrease in the risk of Parkinson's disease, for example. It also reduces the risk of gallstones, so it may be helpful if you have a family history of them or are prone to them. And the polyphenols - a type of antioxidant - in coffee are the same as those in fruit and wine." Brew up some antioxidants An antioxidant is any substance that has the ability to give up an electron to a free radical and balance out the unpaired electron, which neutralizes the free radical. Our body even has the ability to create some of its own antioxidants. In fact, the body produces three major antioxidant defend systems. However, our bodies do not produce all the antioxidants we need. The rest of our antioxidants must come from food or nutritional supplementation. Free radicals damage healthy tissues throughout our body, causing changes that can lead to heart diseases, cancer, and other serious conditions. Studies show that the antioxidants in coffee may protect against colon cancer, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease. Regular and decaf coffee offer the same amount of antioxidants. In one particular study on decaf coffee researchers found that this type of coffee protect against lung cancer. Researchers at Rosewell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, studied 993 former smokers. They found that the people who drank at least two cups of decaf coffee each day, were 36% less likely to develop lung cancer than those who drank caffeinated black tea or coffee. A study in Japan found that people who drank coffee on a daily basis had half the risk of developing a type of liver cancer compared with people who never drank coffee. The risk decreased with an increase of the amount of coffee they drank each day. In another study on decaf coffee, researchers found that drinking two or more cups of coffee a day may lower the formation of rectal cancer by a whopping 52%. Researchers think that by increasing bowel movements, coffee speeds things through the body, decreasing the risk. However, they had no idea why decaf coffee offered more protection than regular coffee. It's not a surprise that coffee make you more alert. But it's unknown if the coffee caused the effect, or if it was merely a reversal of the negative effects of caffeine withdrawal. A British study found that it's more likely a positive effect of the coffee. Researchers in Wales gave 60 regular caffeine consumers, a long battery of tests in one evening to tucker them out. They were told to drink their regular amounts beverages with caffeine, Another evening, they were given two beverages without caffeine and tested again. A third evening, they were given two beverages with caffeine and given the tests a third time. The researchers found that after drinking the caffeinated beverages, the people had better moods and did better on the tests as well. The researchers came to the conclusion that a daily cup or two of coffee boosts mood and alertness. Everything in moderation Limit your caffeinated coffee drinking to one or two cups a day. Too much regular coffee can give you the feeling that you had so much caffeine that your molecules are vibrating. But also a study found that people who drank two or more cups of java coffee a day had higher levels of inflammatory markers linked to heart disease. If you've had too much coffee, you'll know it by a flush on your face or a twitch in your muscles. Headaches usually start after drinking 200 to 500 milligrams of caffeine, the amounts in 2 to 5 cups. Drink plenty of water to flush the caffeine out of your system. "Caffeinated coffee can of course interfere with sleep", says Kimball. "And you should talk with your doctor before drinking coffee if you have blood pressure issues, because coffee can increase heart rate." Getting the most benefits Don't store coffee in the refrigerator or freezer. This way the coffee is exposed to fluctuating temperatures and therefore condensation. Each time the coffee is exposed to water, it's brewed a tiny bit, which waters down the flavor. Instead, keep coffee in an airtight canister in your cabinet. Studies have found that boiled, unfiltered coffee consumption is related to higher cholesterol levels because of the cafestol, a compound in the coffee. |
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